(Vienna, VA — March 22, 2012) The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) “Jobs One Portal” website (jobs.energy.gov), developed by C² Technologies, Inc., was a hot topic on the air in the nation’s capital on March 16. The portal, nicknamed “J1P,” took center stage during The Federal Drive on Washington’s Federal News Radio 1500 AM.
In a phone interview, DOE Chief Human Capital Officer Mike Kane explained some of the hiring objectives of the Department, and the benefits and advantages provided by the newly upgraded J1P. Calling the ease of the modern Federal application process “nothing short of a miracle,” Kane summed up the goal of J1P just as succinctly: “Let’s make it as simple as it can be to get you to work for the U.S. Department of Energy.”
The J1P recruitment site enhances and is coordinated with DOE recruitment marketing and branding initiatives, and is compliant with all DOE and U.S. Government regulations, technology, privacy, and cyber security requirements. The portal is completely integrated with USAJOBS, allowing potential applicants to learn about DOE and apply for the DOE positions without ever leaving the USAJOBS site.
The online article and radio interview are available at: http://www.federalnewsradio.com/430/2788983/Energy-revamps-hiring-website
Press Contact: Stuart Tidball
405-200-1301, stidball@c2ti.com